Safety / Compliance / Ergonomics

The FLDI Group places safety at the center of its development, whatever the scope of the project we undertake, we guarantee the safety of our installations, employees and customers.

Our vision of security

Compliance with standards and anticipations for a clear objective: 0 accidents through compliance with standards and anticipation of risky conditions, in our designs, our commissioning, and our conditions of use.

Internal culture of security.

Because security is not just a question of compliance with standards, two internal security standards (global and specific) integrate and validate the chain of each project monitoring, so as to maintain the highest degree of vigilance at all times.


All our machines comply with the requirements set by community regulations and receive the "CE" mark. The control is carried out from the design phase, during manufacture, and authorizes the placing on the market, free circulation and use in the European community.

Safety training.

All our employees are trained and made aware to fully integrate our safety standards at work. In addition, from engineers to maintenance, from office chairs to plasma cutting and transporting machines, all of our employees are trained in risk management and emergency situations.

Safety and ergonomics of workstations.

Our reference system also takes into account the constraints linked to TMS, more commonly work problems, in the workshop and on site, with our machines or installations.

An annual industrial safety audit.

Because we are aware that our certainties must be questioned, each year we have a global security audit carried out by a specialized company, in order to update our practices and our reference system.

Our security partner.


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